Hur ska man börja med isbad? - En guide för nybörjare

How to start with ice baths? - A guide for beginners

Ice baths can be a scary experience when you first hear about them. - But with the right attitude and preparation, it can be an incredibly rewarding and refreshing experience. Whether you want to improve your recovery, boost your immune system, or just try something new, it's important to start the right way. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting started with ice baths as a beginner.

What you should keep in mind is that you have to prepare yourself mentally!

Ice baths are as much about mental strength as they are about physical endurance. It’s normal to feel resistance to the thought of stepping into icy water, but remember that it’s a challenge you can handle. Breathe deeply and focus on your goal – to feel stronger and more energetic afterwards.

Then you also need to choose the right place and have good equipment.

  • Home: Fill your cold bath with cold water and add ice cubes to lower the temperature to around 5–15°C.

  • Ice bath barrel: If you're serious about ice baths, you can invest in a special ice bath barrel, which makes it easy to control the temperature.

Then start slowly and only increase gradually!

As a beginner, you don't need to sit in an ice bath for 10 minutes straight away. Instead, you should aim to start with 1–2 minutes and gradually increase the time as you get used to it. Listen to your body – it's important not to overdo it.

Focus on breathing and moving during the ice bath

  • Breathing. Imagine that you are going to Focus on breathing calmly and in a controlled manner. Deep inhalation through your nose and slow exhalation through your mouth can help you cope with the cold.

  • Move! You should move your arms and legs lightly to keep the blood circulation going, but avoid excessive movement which can make it more uncomfortable.

Warm up afterwards! Don't stand still!

After the ice bath, it is important to warm up your body in a good and controlled way. Dry yourself off thoroughly and put on warm clothes. Then get moving!

Be consistent, a little, often, is better a very occasional time.

To experience the health benefits of ice baths, you should think the same way you would when starting a workout - discipline and regular sessions are key. So start with 1-3 times a week and stick to it! Adjust the frequency depending on how your body reacts.

 Listen to your body too!

Ice baths are not for everyone, and it's important to respect your body's limits. If you have heart problems, blood pressure problems, or other health conditions, consult a doctor before starting an ice bath.

Tips for a smooth start

  • Start in the summer or spring when it is easier to handle the cold.

  • Bring a friend for support – it can make the experience more fun and less scary.

  • Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Every ice bath is a victory!

Ice baths are more of an inner journey rather than an Instagram contest. Although sometimes it can feel like the opposite...! But by starting small and slowly just feeling like you're building up your endurance, you'll soon discover why so many people talk about the benefits of ice baths.

Simple summary: Try ice baths today, and start carefully!